Prosperous Petite Sessions
A comprehensive course designed to empower photographers to boost their revenue by offering profitable mini-sessions.
Who is it for?
Lesson 1: Introduction to Profitable Mini Sessions
Lesson 2: Planning Profitable Mini Sessions
Lesson 3: Marketing Profitable Mini Sessions
Lesson 4: Shooting & Workflows for Profitable Mini Sessions
Lesson 5: Delivering Profitable Mini Sessions
Mini Session Workbook
What can you gain?
A beginners guide to shooting like a pro.
We are going to learning about why prints matter, how to serve your clients best, be the expert in your field, stand out in a saturated market, all while tripling your income - at a minimum!
Stop running yourself into the ground and create a work schedule that allows you to have more time with your family, work ON the business (not FOR the business), be more productive, and make more money. Create the life you deserve to live.