The Masterclass & Coaching Call
We are going to learning about why prints matter, how to serve your clients best, be the expert in your field, stand out in a saturated market, all while tripling your income - at a minimum!
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Business Audit
Lesson 3: Big Vision Goals
Lesson 4: Your Numbers
Lesson 5: Overview
Module 1: Ask me Anything!
Module 1 Workbook
LIVE - Welcome Zoom Call Replay
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: What to Sell
Lesson 3: Professional Labs
Lesson 4: Softwares
Lesson 5: Upselling
BONUS: Film Matching with Situational Lighting Presets
Lesson 6: Overview
Module 2 Workbook
Module 2: Ask me Anything!
LIVE: Modules 1&2 Q&A
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: The PPA Benchmark & COS
Lesson 3: Pricing Digitals
Lesson 4: Building Collections
Lesson 5: Pricing Psychology
Lesson 6: Overview
Module 3: Ask me Anything!
Module 3 Workbook
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: The Discovery/Design Call
Lesson 3: Client Guides
Lesson 4: Review Satisfaction Form
Lesson 5: How to Sell While You Shoot
Lesson 6: Overview
Lesson 7: The Art of Alignment
Module 4: Ask me Anything!
Bonus: Email Workflow Templates
Module 4 Workbook
LIVE: Modules 3&4 Q&A
BONUS: Our Portrait Contract
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: The Discovery/Design Call
Lesson 3: Eliminating Overwhelm
Lesson 4: Testimonials
Lesson 5: Online Galleries
Lesson 6: Common Objections
Lesson 7: Overview
Module 5: Ask me Anything!
Module 5 Workbook
A beginners guide to shooting like a pro.
We are going to learning about why prints matter, how to serve your clients best, be the expert in your field, stand out in a saturated market, all while tripling your income - at a minimum!
We are going to learning about why prints matter, how to serve your clients best, be the expert in your field, stand out in a saturated market, all while tripling your income - at a minimum!
Stop running yourself into the ground and create a work schedule that allows you to have more time with your family, work ON the business (not FOR the business), be more productive, and make more money. Create the life you deserve to live.